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Whether it’s beautiful landscapes, illustrated or publicity postcards you are looking for, in stock you can find a huge assortment of period postcards ! Send us your request explaining what you are looking for and we will send you scanned images of what we have! Although our stock of Italian postcards is divided by Province, sending us a specific list of what you are looking for will make finding them easier! To see some of the Italian postcards we have in stock, visit our shop on For theme or foreign publicity, visit our shop on

Via TOMMASO AGUDIO 2 - 20154 - Milan (MI) Tel: 02 804106 | E-mail:

“Ai sensi della L. 124/2017 si comunica che la società Ercole Gloria Collezionismo Srl ha ricevuto nel corso del 2020 i seguenti aiuti di stato soggetti a pubblicazione nel Registro Nazionale degli Aiuti:Credito d’imposta per registratore di cassa per euro 199Garanzia Fondo Garanzia Stato PMI su finanziamenti per euro 25.000”

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